
Acupuncture heals by balancing energy, Qi, within the body with the use of acupuncture needles. Don’t let the idea of the needles stop you — most patients barely feel a thing as the ultra-thin sterile needles are inserted quickly and gently. The experience of having acupuncture is in no way like having an injection. 
While each person experiences acupuncture differently, most people only feel a slight amount of sensation as the needles are inserted and the feeling lasts briefly. Once the needles are in most of our patients tell us that they experience a feeling of relaxation and well-being that lasts for many hours after the treatment.

Acupuncture is well documented in treating:

  • Low Back Pain
  • Neck Pain
  • Knee Pain
  • Migraines/Headaches
  • Anxiety
  • Digestion Issues


 We gladly offer 15 minute consultations to see if acupuncture is a good fit for you. 

Your first visit
Initial visits generally last  90 minutes. During your first exam, your acupuncturist will spend time getting to know you and your health concerns. You may be asked a wide range of questions about your symptoms, eating, exercise and sleep habits, emotional states and anything that may offer insight into your health and wellness.
Your practitioner will also employ diagnostic tools that are unique to acupuncture and TCM such as tongue and pulse diagnosis.
Once your acupuncturist has gathered enough information, you’ll receive a comprehensive diagnosis and a treatment plan that will explain:

  • Your underlying imbalances
  • Your time line of care
  • What types of treatment you will receive

For the best treatment results

  • Don’t eat a large meal before your visit
  • Wear loose, comfortable clothes
  • Be sure to discuss any questions or concerns with your acupuncturist
  • Refrain from overexertion, drugs or alcohol for at least six hours after treatment
  • Follow your treatment plan between visits
  • Keep all of your appointments, as each visit builds upon the previous one


Acupuncture and traditional Oriental herbal medicine compromise the oldest medical system in the world. Over the last twenty years there has been an increasing interest and extensive research done by Western Doctors on the benefits of acupuncture and Oriental medicine to enhance fertility. 
Are you considering starting a family? Have you struggled to conceive? Are you preparing for IUI or IVF treatments? Curious whether acupuncture can help you maintain and achieve a healthy pregnancy? 
You're in luck, Wildwood Acupuncture,  can help you prepare for all of these things. 
​Acupuncture treatments can help strengthen your reproductive functions and treat specific gynecological conditions that may impede fertility.  The primary goal of acupuncture is to enhance and balance your body's overall health and well being, a healthy and balanced body will conceive more easily and naturally.  
Benefits of Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture for Enhancing Fertility

  • Stimulate and normalize hormones of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis to support optimal function of the reproductive system
  • Nourish the ovaries and improve development of the follicles
  • Increase blood flow to the uterus and helps to increase the thickness of the uterine lining, which can increase the implantation rate
  • Increase the chances of conception and decreases the chances of miscarriage
  • Improves the quality of semen, especially morphology and motility factors, to help create better quality and quantity of embryos
  • Reduces stress and anxiety associated with the fertility process

These positive effects may be helpful in the treatment of other conditions that can contribute to diminished fertility:

  • PCOS
  • Unexplained fertility
  • high FSH, poor responder
  • Luteal Phase defect
  • Endometriosis
  • Advanced maternal age
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Male factor
  • Recurrent Miscarriage
  • Annovulation
  • Hormonal imbalances

We offer a free, no obligation 15 minute consultation, call or book your appointment today  


Cupping therapy is an ancient form of medicine, originating in China, but practiced in many parts of the world.  Cupping therapy uses glass cups to create suction on the surface of the skin.  The suction pulls the skin slightly up inside the cups, helping the muscles to relax.  
Cupping therapy is generally used to alleviate pain, tightness and/or a limited range of movement.  In Chinese Medicine these conditions are often referred to as "qi and blood stagnation", which means that the flow of energy in the body is blocked. The cups can increase blood flow and relax tight muscles.

​Cupping is used most frequently to help 

  • Neck, Shoulder and Back pain and tightness
  • Hip pain and tightness
  • Respiratory Disease- common cold, cough, bronchitis
  • Breathing issues from a respiratory disease--inability to take a comfortable full breathe